Diablo's range of extra-coarse sandpaper is not smooth at all.

Your whole life, you've been told to conform. To color within the lines. Most importantly, you have been oppressed with the notion that you have to be smooth.

You've been conditioned to be ashamed when you accidentally tell somebody "you look like a model...like that sweatpants mannequin I just saw at Ross". Society dictates that you feel ashamed when you inadvertently blurt out "you're a breath of fresh air,  like when a whale breathes through its blowhole".

It shouldn't have to be this way. It isn't going to be this way. 

Because with its range of extra coarse sandpaper, construction tools company Diablo is here to say hey, sometimes in this cold, dark world, being not smooth at all isn't so bad - especially as it pertains to wood refinishing.

It's time to construct a new destiny.  

Art Director: Summer Preston
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